"Tianjin Daily", "Jinwan Evening" and Jinyun client reported that our school organized students to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall

Source: Propaganda Department of Party Committee (News Center)  Author: Zhang Mengkai Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-09-19 Views:

On the afternoon of September 18, Tianjin University of Commerce organized retired college students and representatives of the National Flag Guard to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall, relying on the "Big Ideological and political course" education platform jointly built by the school museum, so that young students can cultivate patriotic feelings in the study of thinking and practice, strengthen the ambition of strengthening the country, and practice the trip of serving the country。The event was featured in Tianjin Daily, Jinwan Evening News and Jinyun Client。

Tianjin Daily reported as follows:

Remember history and Contribute youth to the construction of a strong country (Photo)

Many universities held activities to commemorate the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the "918" incident

Jiang Ning correspondent Li Tong, Chen Weidong, our reporter Jiang Baocheng photo

Tianjin Conservatory of Music held the flag-raising Ceremony with the theme of "Ming Shi Cheng Zhiqiang State Owns Me" and "Micro Group Class Under the National Flag"。

Tianjin Agricultural College held the national flag raising ceremony, the majority of teachers and students listened to the Anti-Japanese War theme micro ideological and political lessons。Photo by correspondent Li Tong, Chen Weidong, our reporter Jiang Baocheng

This year's September 18 is the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the "918" incident, many colleges and universities in our city held various forms of activities to guide young students to remember history, cherish the memory of martyrs, cherish peace, and strive for success。

On September 18, Nankai University held the theme activity of "Remembering history and not forgetting '918'"。After the flag-raising ceremony, the student representatives rang the bell of Nankai University 14 times。Then, the students solemnly swore: "Study for the rise of China, 踔厉 work hard, live up to youth, live up to The Times!""We must remember history, do not forget the national humiliation, in times of safety, work hard, and strive to grow into a pillar worthy of the construction of a strong country and the great task of national rejuvenation.。"Nankai University political science theory major 2023 master student Zhang Yangzihan said。

On the same day, Tianjin Polytechnic University held a solemn flag-raising ceremony to guide students to take history as a mirror and move forward on the road of national rejuvenation。Subsequently, the student representative delivered a speech under the national flag, saying that young students should remember the heroic wish, pick up the baton, shoulder a new mission, and contribute their youth to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation。

On the afternoon of September 18, Tianjin University of Commerce organized retired college students and representatives of the National Flag Guard to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall, relying on the "Big Ideological and political course" education platform jointly built by the school museum, so that young students can cultivate patriotic feelings in learning and practice, strengthen the ambition of strengthening the country, and practice the trip of serving the country。

Tianjin University of Finance and Economics recently carried out the red culture into the campus activities, by the Red Army Huining Association Management Committee women's explanation team leader Ren Xia to carry out the theme of "inheriting the spirit of the Long March to continue the red blood" lecture, so that the spirit of patriotism firmly rooted in the hearts of students。

On September 18, Tianjin Conservatory of Music held a patriotic education activity with the theme of "Ming History Chengzhiqiang State I", and guided young students to cultivate patriotic feelings of loving the Party through collective hats off silent tribute and "micro-group class under the National flag"。

On the same day, Tianjin Agricultural College held the ideological and political education activities with the theme of "Thinking about the source and forging ahead to strengthen my China",Professor Li Yueling, the annual influential figure of ideological and political theory teachers in Tianjin schools and the teacher of Ideological and political courses in Tianjin Agricultural College,To bring you to commemorate the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the "918" theme micro ideological and political lessons,Guide students to hold firm to their ideals and beliefs,Pass on the red gene from generation to generation。

The original version of the Jin Wan Bao report is as follows:

Remember our national humiliation and our mission

Yesterday afternoon, the People's Armed Forces Department of Tianjin University of Commerce organized more than 30 student representatives from the Veterans' home and the National Flag Guard to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall. The students received a profound patriotic education and spiritual baptism in thought, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission。

Photo by correspondent Nie Yashi and reporter Zhang Li

Jinyun client report is as follows:

On the 93rd anniversary of the "918th" incident, many colleges and universities in Tianjin held activities to remember the history and commemorate the martyrs

2024-09-18 20:05 津云

September 18 this year is the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the "918" incident, many colleges and universities in our city held various forms of activities to remember history, cherish the memory of martyrs, cherish peace, and strive for success。

On September 18, Nankai University held the theme activity of "Remember history, Don't forget 918"。After the flag-raising ceremony, the student representatives struck the bell of Nankai University 14 times。Then, the students solemnly swore: "Study for the rise of China, 踔厉 work hard, live up to youth, live up to The Times!""We must remember history, do not forget the national humiliation, in times of safety, work hard, and strive to grow into a pillar worthy of the construction of a strong country and the great task of national rejuvenation.。"Nankai University political science theory major 2023 master student Zhang Yangzihan said。

On the same day, Tianjin Polytechnic University held a solemn flag-raising ceremony to guide students to take history as a mirror and move forward on the road to rejuvenation。Subsequently, the student representatives delivered a speech under the national flag, expressing that the young students should bear in mind the heroic wish, pick up the baton, shoulder the new mission, and contribute their youth to the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation。

On the afternoon of September 18, Tianjin University of Commerce organized retired college students and representatives of the National Flag Guard to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall, relying on the "Big Ideological and political course" education platform jointly built by the school museum, so that young students can cultivate patriotic feelings in the study of thinking and practice, strengthen the ambition of strengthening the country, and practice the trip of serving the country。

Tianjin University of Finance and Economics recently carried out the red culture into the campus activities, by the Red Army Huining Association Management Committee women's explanation team leader Ren Xia to carry out the theme of "inheriting the spirit of the Long March to continue the red blood" lecture, so that the spirit of patriotism firmly rooted in the hearts of students。

On September 18, Tianjin Conservatory of Music held a patriotic education activity with the theme of "Ming History Cheng Zhiqiang Country I", guided young students to cultivate patriotic feelings of loving the Party through collective hats off silent tribute and micro-group classes under the national flag。

On the same day, Tianjin Agricultural College held the ideological and political education activities with the theme of "Thinking about the source and Forging ahead to strengthen my China",Professor Li Yuelling, the annual influential figure of the ideological and political theory teachers of Tianjin schools and the ideological and political teacher of Tianjin Agricultural College, brought the theme micro ideological and political lessons to commemorate the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the "918th" incident,Guide the students to firmly believe in their ideals and let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation。(Tianjin Daily reporter Jiang Ning)

Tianjin University of Commerce organized students to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall

2024-09-18 19:00 津云

In order to remember the history, cherish the memory of heroes, and do a solid job of students' patriotic education, on the afternoon of September 18, Tianjin University of Commerce organized more than 30 student representatives from the Veterans' Home and the National Flag Guard to visit the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall。

In the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall,The students passed the shocking battle scenes, the admired heroes, the precious documents of great significance, and the revolutionary relics engraved in history,I really feel that in the difficult environment of that year,The revolutionary martyrs are not afraid of sacrifice, brave and fearless revolutionary spirit and struggle spirit。

In front of the oath wall of the memorial hall, all students raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath。The students said that through the collective oath and tracing the red memory, they received a profound patriotic education and spiritual baptism in thought, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission to the country。

Leading teacher Nie Yashi said,Today marks the 93rd anniversary of the September 18 Incident,We led the students to the Pingjin Campaign Memorial Hall to carry out commemorative activities,Remember the revolutionary martyrs,We will carry out red education and patriotic education,As a college ideological and political education workers,We will fully rely on the "big ideological and political course" construction platform integrated with the school library,Make every effort to build a community of joint practice and education,Let the young college students deeply cultivate the love of the motherland and the love of Tianjin in the study of thinking and practice。

Wang Ziyu, captain of the National Flag Guard, said with emotion that when enjoying a peaceful and happy life, our generation should always remember the great achievements of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, always remember the revolutionary martyrs of New China cast with life and blood, and always remember the immortal achievements created by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party。

Shen Jishun, a retired college student, said that in his future study and work, he should uphold the legacy of the martyrs, not forget the national humiliation, always strictly demand himself with high standards, and contribute his strength to the cause of the Party and the people。(Tianjin Daily reporter Jiang Ning)