Tianjin Key Laboratory of Party Building and Party History Story Ideological and Political course was inaugurated

Source: Institute of Marxism  Author: Liu Hongguang Editor: Zhang Mengkai Release Time: 2024-07-03 Views:

On July 3, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Party Building and Party History Story Ideological and Political courses was completed in Tianjin University of Commerce. Zhang Ya, secretary of the Party Committee of the school, and Yang Ming, director of the Ideological education and Management Office of students of the Municipal Education Committee jointly unveiled the laboratory。Liu Fuying, Deputy Director of Beichen District Education Bureau,Hongqiao District Education Bureau Deputy Director Li Yan, students ideological education and management section chief Yang Lishu,Ruijing middle School moral education vice president He Xiaozhu and other large, medium and small ideological and political lessons integration cooperation units,Party Committee office (President's Office), Party Committee organization department, Party Committee Propaganda Department, Party Committee United Front Work Department, Party Committee teachers work department, Party Committee study and work Department, Party Committee safety work Department, academic affairs Office, graduate office, Youth League Committee and other relevant departments responsible for comrades,The leading group of Marxism College, teachers and students representatives attended the unveiling ceremony。The ceremony was presided over by the Party Committee of the Marxist College。

The unveiling ceremony

Zhang Ya expressed gratitude for the support of the two municipal education committees, and pointed out that the key laboratory of Party construction and Party History story Ideological and political lessons as a key project to promote the school, its theme is the construction of "big ideological and political lessons", the theme is the party history, the form of expression is the story, and the focus is the ideological and political lessons。Laboratory teaching should be regarded as the extension and supplement of ideological and political theory teaching,Reflect the value of leading, educating function,Reflect the teaching effect, social benefit;It should be supported by laboratory construction,Strengthen academic research,Improve the quality of discipline construction,Deepen the study and education of Party history;It is necessary to promote the iterative updating of laboratory construction,Organic integration with the construction of the school's time-honored collaborative innovation center,Bond more social resources,Innovative ideological and political course construction platform carrier。

University Party secretary Zhang Ya speech

杨明在讲话中解读了习近平总书记对学校思政课建设作出的重要指示精神,And the new era school ideological and political course construction promotion meeting deployment requirements,It emphasizes that ideological and political teaching should focus on pertinence and attraction,Let students enjoy learning;It should be changed by events, advanced by time, and new by trend,Effect oriented good ideological and political practice course,Expand teaching space,Make the ideological and political lessons more wonderful and in-depth;We should strengthen the construction of ideological and political teachers,Build a team of "six essentials" ideological and political teachers。

Yang Ming, director of the Department of ideological education and Management of students of the two Municipal Education Committees, made a speech

Zhang Ya and Yang Ming awarded the certificate of special presenter to the lecturers in the laboratory。All the participants visited the laboratory together, and the lecturer gave a special explanation。

Visit the laboratory

Visit the laboratory

Tianjin Key Laboratory of Party Building and Party History Story Ideological and Political Course as a key project of Tianjin's "Big Ideological and political course" construction comprehensive reform pilot area construction, is the city's only key laboratory of ideological and political course with the theme of Party history and Party construction story, and is also the first permanent exhibition project in the history of our school。实验室以习近平总书记关于党的建设的重要思想和党的历史的重要论述为依据,Guided by the correct view of Party history,Give full play to the characteristics and advantages of the Party history and Party building discipline of the Marxist College,Around the theme of "century-old pioneers leading the Great Revival",Focus on telling the wonderful and moving stories of the CPC's tireless struggle, theoretical exploration, and self-construction over the past 100 years,Two exhibition areas, the offline exhibition main space and the online website main portal, have been built,Compiled and printed a rich and detailed collection of party history and party building stories,Explore the innovation points of AI empowerment, interactive communication, and immersion experience in three courses,We will strive to build a base for the integration of ideological and political practice education in primary and secondary schools, a base for the normalization of Party history learning and education, and a base for the long-term development of Party spirit, Party style and Party discipline education,展出了100个生动鲜活的党史党建故事和300个习近平总书记的故事,From the "knowledge, feeling, meaning, faith, action" five dimensions,Strengthen theoretical, emotional and political identification with the Communist Party of China,Guide students to better understand the founding mission, nature and purpose of the Communist Party of China,Build a platform carrier for the new era to promote the conformal development of ideological and political courses through innovation。(Reviewer: Liu Zhenqiang)